Newton's Third Law

The Newton's third law or also known as the action-reaction principle, is another of the fundamental laws of classical mechanics. Newton's third law states that whenever there is a force from one object A to another object B, the other object B will exert a force in the same direction and opposite direction on object A.

equipos en equilibrio Primera ley Newton en Reposo



In this experiment, with a set of pulleys, we can learn about force distributions and Newton's laws, applying them to how pulleys work and how they work correctly to reduce weight.
In this simple but fun experiment we are going to make a homemade rocket. The rocket will be propelled with citric acid and bicarbonate, and when it comes into contact with water, it will shoot up.



Some of the applications where you can see Newton's third law applied are:

  • 2 balls collide, after the collision, the 2 balls move in opposite direction.
  • When rowing in the water, the oar exerts force on the water, and it is the water with the reaction force that pushes us in the opposite direction.
  • As a rocket takes off into space, it is the force of the gases on the ground that causes a force of equal magnitude but opposite direction to lift the rocket into the sky.
  • When firing a shotgun, there is a recoil force from the shotgun of equal intensity but in the opposite direction to the bullet.
  • As we stand on the ground, the same force that we exert on the ground, the ground is exerting on us.


See the Newton's laws:
