How can baby nappies absorb so much liquid?

You may have noticed the water absorption capacity of nappies. The water absorption capacity of nappies and sanitary towels is provided by the material inside them, the sodium polyacrylatewhich is a polymer with a water absorption capacity of up to 1000 times its volume.

A baby nappy has several other materials on the outside, polyethylene on the outside to separate the moisture from the outside. The inside of baby nappies, on the other hand, is made of polypropylene, which allows liquid to enter and protects the baby's skin. You can see more information about nappies and skin toxicity here: What baby nappies are made of

Sodium polyacrylate, the material that absorbs water in nappies, is also used as a retainer in agriculture and for making artificial snowThe appearance obtained when it absorbs the water and comes into contact with the air is that of artificial snow.

Pañales Bebe
Baby Diapers


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